EasyIT Provides The Extra Assistance This Nonprofit’s IT Helpdesk Technician Needs

FCHC is a nonprofit community healthcare organization that works with low-income patients in the Lancaster, Hunter Trace, and Baltimore regions of Ohio.

Managing a nonprofit organization like this is a difficult task. Resources are limited, and therefore even more valuable than in profitable companies. When the margins are thin and the operation is small and efficient, expenditures to keep IT systems running properly can be difficult to justify.

As such, many nonprofits can’t afford to hire a complete internal IT team. The cost of salaries and other expenses are simply too high to cover in a nonprofit’s budget.

That’s why nonprofits like FCHC work with EasyIT.

Co Managed IT Services In Columbus

EasyIT Is An Extension Of FCHC’s IT Team

“I enjoy having a team I can coordinate with that can help address the growth of the IT infrastructure and who can provide an extra level of IT support for issues reported,” says FCHC’s IT Helpdesk Technician.

People often assume that outsourcing IT support means replacing their current IT staff. Too many businesses and their IT personnel assume that support is either 100% internal or 100% external.

IT technicians like this one from FCHC worry that the wrong third party will cause more problems than they solve, leaving the internal IT personnel to blame. Business owners and managers don’t want to consider working with third-parties, because they assume it means laying off their internal staff members.

But that’s not how it has to be — EasyIT functions as an extension of FCHC’s team, providing the extra support and tools their IT Helpdesk Technician needs. This is far more cost-effective than trying to hire that level of IT support internally.

“It comes down to the cost of having multiple on-site IT staff hired internally vs the cost to outsource,” says FCHC’s IT Helpdesk Technician. “Co-sourcing offers the benefit of being able to reserve on how much is spent towards IT support staff, while still having a team that can be coordinated with to help resolve IT issues and projects.”

EasyIT Handles Major Projects For FCHC

“Our email migration that is taking place with EasyIT,” says FCHC’s IT Helpdesk Technician. “So much work is involved with getting it all done thoroughly, and without losing any data.

This is a key area in which EasyIT supports FCHC. While a project like email migration would be beyond the capabilities and resources of a single internal IT staff member, EasyIT’s team can manage it from end to end for the nonprofit.

Migration can be one of the most complicated IT tasks in a business environment. Mismanaging a migration can result in a number of serious consequences:

  • During the transition, you could lose some key files for good with no backup or redundancies to replace it.
  • The migration, already expensive, could take longer than you expected and adds what you thought was avoidable downtime to your staff’s work life.

Because of all these potential issues, it’s wise to partner with a company that has experience with migrations and can ensure it goes according to plan. That’s why FCHC works with EasyIT.

EasyIT Is The Extra IT Support That FCHC Needs

“I believe the services and products that are offered by EasyIT have been able to benefit our IT environment in multiple ways, thus helping to achieve the business goals and objectives here at FCHC,” says FCHC’s IT Helpdesk Technician.

Working with EasyIT gives FCHC the best of both internal and outsourced IT support. This arrangement allows them to take advantage of the expertise and skill of a team of IT specialists when needed, and without paying expensive salaries or benefits. It’s an affordable solution that allows them to expand their current IT resources, without having to replace valuable team members.

“I can say that I see EasyIT as a trusted IT partner, and more than just another vendor,” says FCHC’s IT Helpdesk Technician. “In a sense, I am working as one of the EasyIT techs, but as an internal staff to another company.”

How Much Should Your Organization Pay For IT Support Services in Columbus?

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