CIO of Otterbein University: EasyIT Enhances Campus Tech Experiences

Otterbein University, located in Westerville, Ohio, is known for its innovative approach to education and technology. The institution’s CIO has had the opportunity to partner with EasyIT, a leading managed IT services provider. Through this partnership, Otterbein has benefited from enhanced security and cutting-edge IT solutions that have supported the university’s mission and vision.

One of the most notable experiences shared by the CIO of Otterbein University, Dennis Gendron, is the emphasis on cybersecurity, a primary focus of the technology strategy. With EasyIT’s assistance, the university has addressed security concerns proactively and stayed ahead of emerging threats. EasyIT has also played a crucial role in training the university staff on the latest technologies and cybersecurity trends, further empowering them with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain a secure digital environment.

Key Takeaways

  • Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio, is receiving remarkable support through its association with managed IT services and cybersecurity partner EasyIT.
  • Cybersecurity and staying current in technology are central focuses of the university’s collaboration as part of the EasyIT & Me Co-Managed IT services program.
  • The partnership has led to better proactive strategies for security, expert training, and cutting-edge IT solutions to meet present and future needs.

Cybersecurity Is A Primary Focus

Cybersecurity is a top priority. The university has partnered with EasyIT to ensure the highest levels of protection and security for its growing student population. As students come from all over the country with different devices and environments, it is crucial to have a robust and proactive security system to safeguard the institution.

Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field, and keeping ahead of potential threats is essential. Having experienced a ransomware attack, Otterbein University understands the importance of vigilance. To combat this, the IT team at Otterbein University collaborates with EasyIT to enhance its comprehensive security framework. EasyIT is the university’s Security Operation Center and continuously monitors for potential intrusions or breaches.

Real-time response is crucial in maintaining a secure environment. For instance, a remote worker attempted to log in without notifying the university of his location change. Within minutes, EasyIT alerted the IT team, and swift action was taken to shut down the server and verify the user’s authenticity. This rapid and proactive approach has allowed the university to protect its network effectively.

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EasyIT Rescued Otterbein University From A Ransomware Attack

Dennis understands the importance of cybersecurity and how it can significantly impact the institution. A couple of years ago, Otterbein University was hit by a ransomware attack. Fortunately, EasyIT came to the rescue, and your partnership with them began.

EasyIT specializes in IT security, protecting the institution and its community. EasyIT implemented a suite of security products to safeguard the University’s precious data and network. Dennis appreciates EasyIT’s proactive approach to identifying and addressing potential threats or issues.

Here are some essential aspects of the partnership with EasyIT:

  • Security Operation Center: EasyIT acts as Otterbein’s security operation center. We monitor security and respond swiftly, shutting down potential hazards to avoid compromising university data.
  • Training: EasyIT provides all staff with the necessary training to handle various cybersecurity tools and products. This includes training for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Microsoft’s InTune for endpoint management.
  • Support and Expertise: Working with EasyIT is like having three additional full-time staff members with diverse skills, providing access to multiple security experts and network professionals.
  • Scripting and Automation: EasyIT’s team can write automated scripts for various tasks, including endpoint detection and response, quality control for patching, and network configurations. This takes the pressure off any size IT team and streamlines tasks.

EasyIT Is Otterbein’s Security Operations Center

EasyIT offers Otterbein University a comprehensive range of services beyond essential help desk support. We work tirelessly to optimize Otterbein’s environment for seamless operations. Organizations can always rely on EasyIT for prompt assistance and expert solutions.

Some notable services EasyIT provides to Otterbein University include:

  • Proactive Monitoring: EasyIT constantly monitors the university’s systems, allowing for quick identification and resolution of potential security threats.
  • Incident Response: In the event of a security breach or cyber threat, EasyIT’s experienced team is equipped to respond immediately and efficiently to minimize possible damage.
  • Remote Support: EasyIT offers round-the-clock remote support to address any IT concerns or issues, ensuring seamless operations of the university’s systems.

EasyIT Provides Training On The Latest Technologies & Cybersecurity Trends

Understanding the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and cybersecurity trends is essential. This is why the partnership with EasyIT has been invaluable. Through the assistance of EasyIT, Otterbein has been able to secure its network and provide the necessary training.

Staying On Top Of The Latest Trends

Security plays a critical role in IT management, and EasyIT ensures that the university stays updated with the latest trends and potential threats. EasyIT security professionals contribute to creating a secure campus environment by investing in continuous training. For instance, after attending hacker conferences and events, EasyIT’s experts share vital insights with university personnel, enhancing their understanding and knowledge of potential threats and offering practical tools to address them.

Scripting, Automation & More

EasyIT also provides valuable scripting and automation services to Otterbein University. They design automated scripts for various functions, such as endpoint detection and response, quality control on patching, and network management. The results of these scripts streamline different processes and workflows, increasing efficiency across the university’s IT infrastructure.

Managing IT security is a crucial responsibility for a CIO and his/her staff. With EasyIT’s efforts, you can rest assured that the partnership helps create a secure university environment. Our proactive monitoring and dedicated support offer a sense of confidence that can help address potential breaches as effectively as possible.

EasyIT Supports Otterbein University Be Proactive With Security & Technology

A Valuable Partnership

The partnership between Otterbein University and EasyIT began when the university suffered a ransomware attack. EasyIT stepped in, rescuing the institution and implementing robust security measures that have been continuously enhanced. This collaboration has yielded tangible results, including rapid response to security alerts and protecting the university’s network.

Access to a Wide Range of Expertise

EasyIT provides Otterbein University access to various IT professionals, supplementing their in-house staff. With their support, the institution can rely on a virtual extension of their team, saving them from hiring multiple full-time employees with different skill sets. The resources provided by EasyIT include expertise in security measures, network engineering, and even end-user training for various software applications.

Staying One Step Ahead of Cyber Threats

By actively monitoring the systems in place, EasyIT helps create a proactive environment that keeps Otterbein University’s guard against potential cyber attacks. EasyIT not only alerts the university of potential threats but also attends and reports on the latest hacking events, ensuring they stay updated on emerging hacking methodologies and tools. This invaluable information allows the university to remain proactive in an age where digital threats are commonplace.

Streamlining Processes with Automation

In addition to its security services, EasyIT also offers Otterbein University streamlined processes through automated scripts. These scripts help to automate workflows for endpoint detection, response, quality control on patching, and various networking tasks. This level of automation allows the university to focus on its primary objectives, knowing that EasyIT’s hands-on approach will cover its technology and security needs well.

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